About The MCA
Ethical marketing leadership for health products
About the MCA
The MCA is a non-profit self-regulatory body established through a Constitution by manufacturers of medicines, medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics (IVDs) in South Africa to inform and enforce the ethical marketing of their products. The MCA’s Code of marketing practice is aligned with international best practice and binds members to apply the Code in all promotional activities. The Code applies to all medicines, medical devices and IVDs.
Companies manufacturing or marketing these products are eligible for MCA membership.
Customer-facing employees and agents are required to demonstrate their understanding of the application of the Code, the Guidelines and the relevant legislation.
Anyone can lay a complaint with the MCA where it relates to one of its members.
The Marketing Code Authority (MCA) intends its Code of Ethical Marketing Practice to be acknowledged in terms of the Medicines Act, as fulfilling the requirements for an ethics Code for the health products industries.
Click here to download a copy of the MCA Constitution.

2010: Associations form Steering Committee |
Industry vision articulated |
2010: Interim Board appointed |
Draft Code of Practice and industry MoU |
2012: Constitution ratified |
All members commit to Code implementation |
2012: Inaugural AGM |
First Board appointed – replaces Steering Committee |
2013: Executive Officer appointed |
Mobilization of MCA strategic objectives. |
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